A1 Other teachers who are sharing their experiences made me think of how I can re-shape my lessons!
Other answers: I think a global perspective on teacher education would show students the alternative views around the world, we try to link students via twitter to great practicing teachers. Knowledge excgange and sharing another perspective. Collaborating with other teachers lets you see what als is out there and give you and you students new ways to learn, quite often it's the best kind of professional development. I really like the change, the enrichment for the students, make the "learning" break the boundaries of classroom. It could let my pupils understand that foreign language is not just a lesson but a tool for communication with the whole world. Collaboration between teachers, either through team teaching or sharing ideas helps you look at your lesson from another perspective, a fresh pair of eyes can help shape practice and benefit learning for both pupils and teachers. Getting insight from other perspectives is awesome, but what's really powerful (for me) is learning that many of our insights are grounded in similar journeys and struggels. It's always nice to learn from different subject areas and step outside your comfortzone. I think it can allow pupils to connect to others from all over the world and develop those social skills during collaboration. Collaborating with teachers outside the walls of your classroom or school opens up so many ideas you may not have thought about. Opening my eyes up to seeing what other teachers in other countries are doing has changed my classroom completely, from teaching and learning to layout and homework tasks. Opens students up to multiple viewpoints. Building a community of educators that isn't confined to your school, doesn't matter where you love or your curriculum, good learning and teaching is good teaching and learning. Keeping in touch with teachers all over the world gives you a wider view about teaching, your world gets bigger than your classroom and you get inside in teaching all over the world, you get the opportunity to evaluate and adjust your way of teaching. Dancing in someone else's groove for a while always improve your own: new steps, moves, finesse to add to your own, hopefully others can learn from your groove too. Collaborations will push yourself as an educator out of your comfortzone and give your lesson a refreshing new perspective, it also allows you to share your good practice with others: Win!Win! Networking with other teachers from around the world keeps you learning. Collaboration invites others in to make me a better teacher, new ideas and fresh perspectives and resources mean better learning for my students. I consider to work on a simple topic with schools from different countries by using shared documents, so everybody is able to contribute treir part and we can learn from each other. Open my mind and change my idea. It can extend the classroom out beyond it's physical walls, one of the modern foreign language teachers skyped a school in France for pupils to practice language skills, a lot different to practicing with class mates all the time. Collaboration makes the whole world our learning environment, which is extremely important to our school, teachers and students, we live far away from everything so it's wonderful we can experience different cultures and people via global projects. Discovering new perspectives is something that helps students and ourselves become better, which is one of the main aims of schools, besides that, interdisciplinary work is always motivating and enriching. I think it helps students to see real life and view points from other perspectives which I think is vital, connecting with others is exciting especially when you make friends and learn new things about the world, students get excited. It also pushes teachers out of comfortzones, as a kid I had a stammer/stutter and hated talking to others, especially strangers (still do) but I love connecting with other classrooms to show the power of tech collaboration, even if it make me snicker!
Q2 How do you connect with other teachers to create global projects?
A2 Twitter is my global staffroom! So many teachers, willing to share! Love to be here and share, read and see great ideas.
Other answers: The easiest way to connect for me is throught Twitter, i ask a question and all the crazies out there join my projects #magicmovechallenge. Flipgrid is a powerful means of collaboration, and using social media to coordinate activities has proven useful. Twitter, national conferences/events, ADE community, and working on global research projects with the university of Nottingham. Twitter is number 1, Showbie for sharing projects and ideas, events, conferences, WorldWide academy. Twitter is a big one for me everything from organizing AppleEDUchat to doing collaborative keynotes, iBooks, podcasts and padlets, so many oppotunities to share and learn. Twitter is my number 1 but also the ADE-community and the event to meet inspiring people in real live, I wish I had 48 hours to join every global project. Right here, we all know the power of Twitter and how it has helped shape our own development, the challenge is making other teachers see that the social aspect of social media doesn't just mean pictures of food but can open you up to new worlds. Talk to your local universities, they have education research programs that you can get involved with as a teacher of school. Social media, personal blogs, international meetings and conferences. For starters: contacts from our first institute, just started a great project for my English classes! I'm using Slack and Cisco Spark. Twitter is an amazing forum for sharing and gathering new ideas, it's amazing to see how edu twitter has developed over time. Twitter is where I go too, so many people all willing to help and support. I've connected with so many teachers through AppleEDUchat and Twitter, I'm teaching a unit on Indian music soon and have thought about using FaceTime to link up with a school or musicians in India. We have Erasmus-projects and globalisation projects with other ADE schools, we also FaceTime or skype with teachers and students in different countries, at the moment our students are co-writing a global childrens book. Look for international days to celebrate with your class! Collaborate with other teachers on Twitter so easily and share ideas back and forth. Through social network, such as Twitter, or meeting them in person, I've been lucky to connect with great teachers with whom it is always pleasure to work, becoming part of the ADE community would be a great opportunity to create great projects too! Conferences are a great mechanism for global collaboration, most of our international projects work began with an informal conversation over coffee. Yet to get involved in any global projects - but Twitter has revolutionised my teaching and given me so many ideas, my pupils love when I share their work on my twitter. I've always started on Twitter but used so many ways, we've used seesaw connected blogs, google drive, skype/hangouts, bookcreatorApp is going to be so powerful in the future will be easy to collaborate globally.
Q3 Do you collaborate with other teachers? Please share your experiences.
A3 Last year my students collaborate with students in Ireland (via Miriam Walsh), it was so fun! They were really engaged! I was totally surprised by their English.
Other answers: It starts with letting other teachers into your space, then team teaching with others, we are better together, we are nog competition for each other. With teachers from Erasmus-project 2015, invited each other to share expertise at conferences or improved lessons. Love collaborating with a global team, it allows for more freedom of thought outside your own institution. At the moment I'm busy creating content for my students, calleagues of me are involved in global projects with students, when I finished my content, I will share and I have time to do global project but when i see someone call for help about gravity around the worls, I jump in and make a movie about gravity in the Netherlands. I would love for my students to collaborate on a keynote project with others gloabally or with BookCreatorApp using the new collaboration feature. I think collaborating with other teachers is very rewarding. Next month my students will start collaboration with students from Liverpool, my students are 9 years old and want to learn speak English week. Twitter is a great example, as ADE's we are lucky to have this amazing network, but if anyone would like to reach out and work with any of us, we will! I tried to set up a platform to share videos @lessonclips, but it never got off the ground, Have a look, if anyone's interested in the idea (or changing it!)) let me know! For instance, I'm currently working with some colleagues and former colleagues on a blog in which we'll share our experiences using technology in the classroom. Try to as much as possible, we've joined several.
Q4 can you share examples of your students working together with students in other countries?
A4 Till now my students were only sharing, not working together on a project or so. I love to follow the stories of Education on Tour, they are collaborating in Scandinavia and searching for the best education sports, 1 family, 1 camper, 1 suitcase each.
Other answers: Not directly working with but communicating with pupils in China, our pupils created videos on life in the school and Aberdeen, these were shared via a private YouTube playlist for the other school to see. In our cultural box exchange we sent a box to different countries filled with things that represented us, our town and state, there were QR codes linked to videos and students voice recordings, as well as images to scan with aurasma. We work with the British council and visit schools in India and Nepal, when our teachers go, we publish collaborative books using BookCreator. Unfortunately not yet, I sure do hope to give my English lessons more meaning by starting more collaborative projects, So if anyone has any ideas for starting some project with Dutch students with (minot) learning disabilities? Not yet, but I want to, I hope for networking with other interested teachers. Imagine being able to create an international iPad band jam session or broadcast a live performance to other schools around the world. Empathy, understanding and an open mind.
Q5 What tools are essential to make global projects happen?
A5 Any online sharing platform is great to make global projects, I love Padlet for this!
Other answers: We have been very succesful using BookCreator, Flipgrid, Apple iWork and google for our collaborative projects. For me personally time, I really want to do great projects but time is limited at the moment unfortunately, so I have to make choices, but I learn a lot this evening, think small, little project, not chaotic. The world clock tab in the clock app, time zones mean either one of us is awake and working, it's productive with good communication. I've just used it nationwide, not globally but Padlet is extremely nice to put things on a display or as a starting point. Currently experimenting with rteal time collaboration using Explain everything. Definitely collaborative tools like Keynote, pages, Numbers, padlet and also FaceTime. Showbie works well for garageband files as you can open the file from showbie and then upload a new version. Open minds, the ability to lead when required, strong will, use of cloud tools, conference calls, being able to know time zones. FaecTime is a real winner! I think a lot of tools can make it happen, for instance I use iMessage but our students use Flipgrid, I think something like padlet or bookcreator works perfect as well. We use tools like Showbie, BookCreator, Pages/Keynote/iMovie/Clips, iTunesU, Slack, FaceTime, Twitter and other social media apps to create, share, communicate and collaborate. FaceTime Yes! We use FaceTime to connect with so many experts, authors, scientist, geographers and doctors. FaceTime, iMessage or mail to communicate, Pages/Numbers/Keynote or BookCreator to work on the projects simultaneously, iCloudDrive or Dropbox to share files, there is plenty of them. The global group of early learning educators I collaborated with used a pirvate iTunesU course to upload/download our classes work and share planning. We have used Shwobie as a secure platform for collaborative projects, we have a partner school in Holland and showbie has proven to be a very simple solution. Open minds, patience, timing and good communication, if you have those, whatever medium you choose will work perfectly the timing hasn't been perfect so things have faltered, or people have different ideas and things fizzle out, like minded educators.
Q6 Have you got new project on your mind, connect now!
A6 Since I learned about the sustainable development goald I'm looking for the best way to fit them in my lessons, who is already working with them?
Other answers: Onesmallclip has been a little quiet lately, we've all been so busy but a couple af new videos from around the globe would certainly get the creative juices going again, lots of great ideas out there! First I want to see where this "English-class-Flipgrid-thing" goes, but when something interesting pops up, I'll definitely jump in. Would love to create music/link up with other schools around the world, imagine starting a track in one school, and passing it around the world until we have a global masterpiece. We are about to start a weather unit, maybey create an share clips describing the seasonal weather in other countries. Collaborate on pages or bookcreator to write a story together using story elements.