This year I was in the lucky position to visit Bett show again. This year my colleague Marco went with me!
Today's chat is hosted by Amy Kingsley and the topic is creativity with the iPad. She asked us to create a fake photo with a book theme. Mine was inspired by the wonderful, lovely Noisyvillage by Astrid Lindgren.
Simon Pile Eoin Hughes are hosting the first AppleEDUchat of 2018.
Magic move in Keynote is the subject. Lots of great gif-animated examples were shared. I totally missed the boat on that part. In this blog a recap of al the great ideas which where shared by ADE's around the EMEAI region. |
AuteurMy name is Rhea Flohr, I'm a geography teacher in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. I'm highly interested in teaching with the use of internet. With my students I explore different possibilities to realize personalized learning. Archieven
June 2020