On June 11th, I hosted a session about digital and media literacy.
It was my intention to start the discussion with some interactive elements by using LessonUp. Unfortunately my internet connection wasn't as stable as I hoped it would be. Therefore the first 5 minutes were a little bit clumsy. Glad Alicia was there to save me!
Alicia, Miriam, Sari and One were willing to share their experiences with digital and media literacy in their daily practice. In Denmark there is a subject called 'understanding digital technology', in Austria the students need to learn digital literacy, it is mandatory for 2 years now. The problem is, the teachers aren't equipped to teach it.
What is it?
Before we started the discussion, I wanted to know if we all spoke the same language. So the 1ste question was: where do you think about when I say digital and media literacy?
- Digital literacy for me is first and foremost working to understand the relation between humans, machine, nature and society
- Citizen skill
- An understanding on how the media is created and the ability to create
- Expertise
- Know-how
- Open mindset = willing to try and fail
- troubleshooting technical issues
- cross-curricular application = needed in all subjects
- competency in digital communication
- skills on using social media
- digital empathy
What does it look like in your country?
In Denmark: Four areas of competencies: - Digital empowerment - Digital design and design processes - computational thinking - Technological capacity
In Finland: It’s cross curriculum, from early years to upper secondaries/vocational schools. About the same skills as you shared Rhea. National curriculum so involves all students.
In Ireland: Not mandatory. A choice at 2nd level. Depends on the teacher. But it is new. Curriculums are being developed now
In Austria: mandatory for all 10 - 14 year olds in lower secondary schools - schools can choose whether there is a dedicated teacher or whether the team does it
In the Netherlands this subject is topic of conversation. For me it is an interesting area and I will definitely follow the developments.
Are you also curious about digital and media literacy? Check this padlet, full of resources.