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to spark curiosity and imagination, to help kids see that anything is possible. To challenge the norms in teaching.
'Our school has a culture of starting with 'why' if you don't have one and it won't have impact then don't do it.'
To enhance teaching and learning using iPads & to lead and inspire others to do the same.
To make a difference in learning and lives and aspirations of my pupils & community. To make a dent!
So everyone can achieve and use new teaching methods and engage all pupils.
Wanting to build future learners in engaging meaningful ways.
To spark creativity in the minds of learners and use digital tech at the heart of learning.
To be a role model and positively impact as many children's lives as possible.
Why not try and see?
To spark awe and wonder in the classrooms, supporting teachers and students to be the best they can be.
To ensure that every student reaches their potential and always offer the best to my kids.
Because it helps the children engage and i believe it makes learning interesting and fun.
I use tech because the current model of teaching doesn't work. I want my students to think for themselves. That will only happen when they become creators not consumers of content.
To ensure every students achieves to their individual potential using technology as the key to unlocking endless possibilities
Q1 Why do you use tech in your classroom? How do you use it?
A1 I use tech because it's there so why not? I use it to engage my students to make time to differentiate.
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Tech give studens new transferable skills & helps boost confidence, it eases workflow, evidence & enable a global audience.
I use tech to open new doors in learning, to create things, challenge thinking and make thinking visible in all different ways.
I use technology to enhance the learning expierences, and to intorduce a culture of anytime, anywhere learning
To foster creativity & make learning more active & engaging using iPad to transcend our traditionally exam focussed curriculum.
Tech gives students skills to access the work place of tomorrow. It readies them for the jobs that don't exist yet and gives them transferable skills.
Tech can foster an inclusive learning environment - learnes shouldn't just be judged on their ability to write on paper.
To inspire and redefine learning. I also ensure though that there is value to it's use, don't use it for the sake of it.
Because it is the language of the pupils and i feel that i make them more confident it helps to be on the same wave.
If I didn't use tech in my classroom then I would be doing my students a disservice. Hello 21st century learning.
Tech opens doors that were left unopened before for many learners and teachers.
Edtech adds new dimensions to learning, holds potential to reach and engage and empower all students.
Because I believe it is important for us to model that it is oke to try new things, learn new things and share new things.
Q2 Why do you use tech to break down barriers in the classroom?
A2There are so much more opportunities with tech in the classroom: the world in our classroom is no problem!
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Tech is versatile, gives range of platforms for students to show their learning and for teachers to direct learning, hit all learners!
It helps give students a voice, to communicate and access learning in ways that wheren't possible before. It supports all learners.
Tech is a great equaliser for pupils who feel that they can't do things the traditional way eg writing with pencil and paper.
When used effectively tech can break down barriers and support all learners, regardless of their starting point.
It can be used as a fun introduction to a book they may not engaged with, what child can resist a puppet and a greenscreen?
Because of the many barriers it breaks down as 1:1 iPad school we can break down tradition, time, space, chalk&talk and limits.
Apple tech offers success to every child it spakrs greater creativity and as a result work is of a higher standard.
An iPad is another tool in your toolbox, you wouldn't use a paintbrush (or a textbook) every lesson. However, when used effectively it can completly transform learning. (my favourite answer!! very well phrased by eLearning_Laura)
To give shy ones a voice to help students to strecht out of their comfortzone, to help students be creators.
Tech can unlock reluctant learners understanding, give them a voice and often the feelings confidence&success they don't alwasy get.
Because there are 20+ students in my classroom with different needs, strengths and goals
Tech is a massive leveller traditional presentation skills don't matter, all about the content gives everyone a voice.
Using the right tech can give every pupil a voice and an opportunity to express themselves in a way they are comfortable with.
Still need a great teacher to enable the tech to deliver .
Because it can break down so many of the barriers at the same time. Plus tech is an intuitive language that children just get.
Technology can be a wonderful equaliser and allow less confident pupils the change to share their knowledge easily
At our school we call the iPad a digital pencil case.
Q3 How is your tech used to collaborate with students and colleagues?
A3 Students create a 'what should we know about…' together with padlet. As a team we are more and more sharing online resources and we use OneNote as a collaborative paper.
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Students and colleagues work together in real time on different devices, next to eachother or around the world.
G-Suite had revolusionised the way that students and teachers collaborate. Would be lost without it.
We have wonderful digital leaders in our school and they use tech with teachers to not only help learning but training as well.
I Use seesaw with my schools to ancourage to collaboration, opening digital doors into other classrooms to share ideas and work.
Bookcreator app for students to share learning and innovation groups with staff.
Effective collaboration has to be taught, listening to another interpretation and expressing yrs causes you to use higher thinking.
Being able to work with others without being beside the others. Tech makes it possible.
The power of seesaw means that teachers & students can share their work and resources without leave their classroom.
Collaborating or giving feedback on pages and keynote is so simple and i can see when people are working on it we don't have to be in the same room to work together.
Students also work together in small groups, sometimes focussed on 1 or 2 iPads to create new ways to make learning visible.
I Use collaborative pages/keynote to help my SEN students create documents and presentations without being obvious.
We create different chapters of a book in different classes and then combine them in bookcreator.
Q4 How has technology transformed teaching & learning in your classroom?
A4 at first we made online exercises which replaced the 'workbook' then there was more time during the lessons also because we 'flipped' our lessons. Students get more time to create their own content and make learning visible.
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Re-invigorated teacher, enthusiastic and egaged students = recipe for success1 All for the use of tech.
Gives learners opportunities maybe not available now they can create a movie, create music present thoughts in a different way.
Children are taught 'at' anymore. They investigate, create and explore they question and challenge and that's what we want.
It has empowerd students and teachers, barriers to learning are broken & children creativetly take charge of their own learning.
Every students voice is heard and shared with the whole class wouldn't be so efficient and structured with the use of tech.
Students more independent. Students of all abilities are challenged, students are engaged and love learning.
Trust from parents as the see the results of their childrens work and more enthusiasm from pupils as they like learning.
Students are more active and engaged in learning. They are creators of learning not just consumers like in the past.
Technology has leveled the playing field for my students the have access to amazing resources.
Teachers can facilitate more & allow students to learn, rather then just pass on facts teaching and learning goes beyond the classroom with flipped content.
From teacher leader with pen and paper to 1:1 iPad, flipped learning with active students, individual learning goals & paths, everything has changed!
Q5 This year is the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, in ten years time, where do you see technology in education?
A5 Education without technology isn't possible. Every student has his own device and keeps a learning dairy. Because off the tech, Ss can track their own learning-experiences.
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I think tech will be integral to education. Individually tailored to every student through their device or learn from home/distance.
Widespread and commonplace and hopefully embedded in curriculum that suits multiple learning styles.
I think VR and AR will have a massive role to play however if it isn't funded properly i worry that it will still be sidelined for fear of tech 'being costly'
More international collaboration and cross curricular teaching and learning students can take their learning with them so easily.
Hopefully being used in exactly the same way - used when needed in a purposeful way.
I see it developing to the level that we don't even see it as technology - just part of the fundamentals in education.
Aknowledging the potential for behaviour issues I would love to see mobile devices used freely in classroom. (behaviour isn't caused by tech though, it's still down to a good teacher to overcome that. Technology doesn't replace the need of effective classroom management. There is no app for that!) Tech is only great when the teaching is great!
I'd like to see more individualised learning through effective use of tech: helping teachers meet pupils needs & differentiate easier.
Will help all children find how best to present their work allows for differentiation and inclusion of all pupils.
We will use tech with no doubts, just as now we use pens.
A integrated interactive worldwide supportive education system using tech to remove boundaries to learning at A levels.
Hopefully in the future technology is fully integrated in education and the government see the full potential it has and how much it can change students learning expierences.
More embedded and intergral to teaching and learning to the points where it is almsot invisible but central to education not an add-on or something new but this is only possible on wide scale with continued investment in tech and more importantly in staff CPD with focus on teaching and learning.
I hope tech is a natural part of education as it is of eg medicine or industry, no need to justify the no-sayers anymore.
Q6 Which theme would you like to see @TechTeachGoals develop? What could you create for us?
A6 No special requests at this point, if I can help I will sure do!
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I've noticed with a lot of our NQT's & students teachers that they only seem learn about tech for assessment i.e. Kahoot socrative formative assessment is obviously really important but i'd love to see focus more on students as creators as part of their learning.