A1 Just practicing clips students are going to make one of Eindhoven, the city where our school is located.
Other ADE's use clips for: learning journals for my class and to share with parents in the weekly newsletter. To create little how to videos and share new learning in bitesize chunks. To let students document their learning. Let students make a clip of themselves to get to know eachother. To create quick tips and tricks videos. For bookreviews. To engage pupils in class and at home . Make how to guides for app use. To inform learning processes and share tutorials with staff. Pupils are beginning to use it to introduce coding concepts. Making clips of how to use the ipad for teachers. Students create clips from their physicsmoment they saw on the way to school. Create promo videos for parents. Would like to see pupils making clips as a way of presenting their subject knowledge. Have been using clips to keep children save online. Let students make a 60 second news update for school tv channel. Make an advert for our school open night. It is a great way to document school trips. Digital storytelling. Asking students to make a video where thet tell why our school is the best!
Q2 Have you joined in with the #clipstours project yet? Have you a clips tours you can share?
A2 Yes I have! But I wonder why there is none of my hometown yet!?Liesbeth shared a great idea. Why not making a clipstours of our school?
Q3 What features of Clips lend themselves to a #clipstours clips
A3 I love the fact that, despite of all the features, it's so intuitive in use! The possibility to use maps and photos! Love it!
Q4 How can #clipstours be used in the classroom
A4 Students can share their proud and joy of the places where they live. Also they can make clipstours from the places where the went on holiday.
Other ideas: Clipstours is bringing the world to life for students it's great for geography. Develop a sense of community around the school, share to compare and see the contrast. Make the world smaller and open pupils eyes to the world Watch and discuss on a day: what's different/similar? Great to develop a sense of geography around the world. Put a historical twist on it. #Clipstours trough time, same place but different time periods. Helps to provide some understanding of diversity in a class that might contain multiple cultures. Allows children to expand to a wider audience and share information about their hometown. Biology, plants and trees in their environment. Connection, students can connect with anyone from anywhere in the world and expierence their environment through their eyes. Developing global links, exchanging culture, history and geography. Instructional writing, trip recounts, book reviews, maths concept reviews, iPad support videos. Before and after a topic #clipstours prior knowledge of Africa and another created afterwards showing evidence of learning.
Q5 how could you enable your students to create #clipstours to share?
A5 Having a bank of royalty free images of locations Get students to research and make their own clips with facts.
Other ideas: Show them examples let them think on what they show and give them guidelines. They need time and freedom to play! Make sure you have images and videos the share via airdrop with the students. Use clips to make a short tutorial on how to use it and how to share. Be your personal example, be engaged and passionate about this project.
Q6 Where would you love to see a #clipstours of?
A6 tough question there are so many great places in the world I'm not a traveler myself but love to see … (no matter what)
Other ideas: Let's take it into a litary world. Museums,