The last couple of years I've been busy with digital literacy and digital literacy kept me busy as well! There were several online incidents and problems that has to be solved (nothing huge or big, but at the time this has impact on a students daily live at school and their position in the class). Online safety find its way to my digital literacy lessons, along with ICT basic skills and information literacy. So this isn't a new beginning but I want to be more focused on this topic. Students ánd teachers ánd parents need to know why, how and what to do in digital times like this.
So I start browsing and searching for more information and talking about digital and media literacy with other people. Conclusion: the more I know, the more I realize that there will always be a knowledge gap! This topic is constantly evolving, it is a moving target!
Digital and media literacy education isn't part of our national curriculum. There are no learning goals and there are no tests. But, there might be a little possibility that this will change in the future! More and more people are aware of the fact that we should do something with digital and media literacy and that it has to be mandatory. When this time come, I will be ready! thanks to you my friends!
This weekend a brainwave attacked me! Let's ask questions in the best PLN and community I have: You me dear friends! So, I created a Padlet with resources from all over te world. I asked a couple of twitter ADE friends to participate. The day after I realize it would be a good start to add my why and a questionnaire via Google forms to get more information. Not only for me, but for us all!
8 people already respond to my questionnaire. The resources they shared are already on the Padlet and I think I will put the questions some have will be there in a better place. We can all comment on them there! I forgot to ask your name so I'm not sure who filled in this form. Please get in touch with me if you recognize your question or note.
Do you teach your students to type? Isn’t that the most important step to media literacy??
We use iPads in the classroom, we teach students how the can use speech to text. I would love to know what others do with this typing skills.
I would be interested in finding out how other countries approach the question whether to have a dedicated subject and teacher and hours per week (how many?) or if it should be done in all subjects by teachers who have not received proper training.
Before my visit to the U.S. it was my opinion that a dedicated subject and teacher would be the best approach. At this moment I think it would be better to integrate digital and media literacy in different subjects but I'm aware of the fact that not every teacher in our country is capable of doing so.
Safe space to model positive digital media presence
Yes! How can we arrange this?
It’s exceptionally relevant and should be covered continuously to better prepare students to build positive online profiles and to be positively engage with media in general, in ways that will build better self esteem and empathy. I’m working on a global project around Empathy entitled “Everyone Can Care”.
What a great initiative! Looking forward to the Everyone Can Care project!
Will you share your classroom experience with digital literacy? Are you looking for resources? Please take a look at my Padlet!